"Susan Boyle stuns Simon and team"
"Susan delivers yet another powerful performance"
"Susan Boyle gets a 250 pound makeover"
"Susan Boyles suffers from mental breakdown"
" Susan rushed to the hospital'
" Susan Boyles dream collapses'
I have been trying my level best to avoid reading about the "Boylemania" which has gripped the whole world in the past 2 months.
It all started when an unassuming , never been kissed 48 year old Scottish woman walked to the stage in front of judges of Britain's Got Talent show.There was whispering and a slight giggle from the judges and the crowd too even before Susan had started to introduce herself. Susan sang " I dreamed a dream" from Les Miserables to deliver a perfect rendition and left Simon Cowell looking for a place to hide.The crowd gave a standing ovation which was followed by approximately 100 million hits on youtube.
Well Susan must have been surely dreaming and was totally oblivious of what more was to follow.Fame has a price and it is more expensive for those lesser mortals who want to lead a private. I presume Susan is one of those who would love people around the world to love her music and not interfere in her day to day lives.
For a person who led a relaxed and peaceful life along with her friends in Blackburn , being in the eye of the media 24X7 would have been overwhelming.
Media in any form these days has a habit of pushing situations to the limit , its really important for them to know which stars / media personalities crave for or shun the limelight.
Susan is definitely living her dream of becoming a theatre singer like her role model "Elaine Page" , but its definitely coming at a cost for her.
Susan is a beautiful person and deserves what she is getting now in terms of recognition of her talent and adulation from the public , what she doesn't deserve is invasion of her private life , makeovers to make her look like Beyonce or Lady Gaga and hype around her never been kissed.Little does she realize that this world is cruel to people who are overtly candid and honest.Its all about being politically correct.
The problem with such hype and popularity in such a short frame of time is that when a new act comes up , people would forget Susan and she would then remain somewhere on the search engines of Google , youtube or wikipedia.Susan is definitely more than just a mania or a fad , she has all in her to become popular and give a lot to the world of music.
There has been a scientific theory around the human mind remembering more about weird looking objects , things or any occurrence which is out of the normal.Its called the QUASIMODO effect and I feel that's exactly whats happening in Susan's situation.Here we have a singing sensation who looks very different from your normal glam dolls but has a voice to die for.I would challenge anyone , who would not agree that singing was not the only reason they are following Susan at the moment.
Its time for us to leave Susan alone so that she can get along in her life and start to handle her new found fame more carefully.
Susan had rightly quoted :-
" Modern society is too quick to judge people on their appearances. [...] There is not much you can do about it; it is the way they think; it is the way they are. But maybe this could teach them a lesson, or set an example. "
- Susan is living the dream of a successful underdog .
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